
7 U.S. Veterans Recruitment to Lions Club

To those LIONS and friends who promote special consideration for protected classes... 

I flat-out oppose special regard for former or current government employees. 

YOU need to educate yourself about real life. 

YOU need to understand that governments are gangs, that's right, GANGS, made up of people who steal from other people to finance assaults that gang-associated people launch against other people. 

YOU need to understand that veterans were gang-bangers working for shot-callers. Start educating yourself with this http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm 

You are flat-out wrong to promote special regard for any class of applicants. You are flat-out wrong to promote "stronger communities". 

Let me remind you the the first letter of LIONS stands for LIBERTY; liberty makes each individual stronger. There is no such thing as institutional or collective liberty.